Comité 10.04.2022
NOTES ON REUNION 10.04.2022 special 2nd thoughts on Wagon Stay question malcolm, diana, noé, gregoire, claire, silvan, alvin modération : diana notes : claire FEELING ROUND grégoire what can i really do for the maison-matrice ? (long term question) malcolm says the stress about this reunion is on him Silvan questions : who has had…
Comité 08.04.2022
2022 04 08 Silvan, Martinha, Martin, Malcolm, Diana, Luana TRAKTANDEN : – gymnasium student wagen matrixmobile GYMNASIUM STUDENT A friend of Claire’s brother asked if his 16 years old son can come for 4 weeks for an internship, mostly for learning french. Question is : is it something we can accept by principle? Malcolm’s point…
Comité 30.03.2022
NOTES ON REUNION 30.03.2022 malcolm, diana, luana, gregoire, claire, iklos, martin, silvan FEELING ROUND notes claire would like to switch reunions back to daytime. diana & luana & malcolm & grégoire back this up. silvan & martinha would like to leave early in May ONGOING REFLEXIONS + Room Sharing system for semi-permanents/recurring visitors, as suggested…
Comité 23.03.2022
Réunion 20220323 présents: malcolm claire diana vicky martinha noé luana élisa mod: malcolm PV: noé _____________________________________________ TRACTANDA: starting sebasol? foyer broken kitchen stoves Food sovereignty Brainstorm Renovations Fundraising Dosser video social medias room discussion _____________________________________________ FOYER BROKEN KITCHEN STOVE: stove got broken because used of the big old pot for the spring party. doesn’t seem…
Comité 16.03.2022
Réunion 20220316 présents: malcolm claire silvan diana noé luana élisa, alvin a la fin mod: claire PV: noé _____________________________________________ TRACTANDA: spring party commissions _____________________________________________ COMMISSIONS: FUNDRAISING: looking for photos → pass them to claire or directly in the dossier googledrive, needed in the next two days! Luana tried to contact Justine to get pictures from…
Comité 02.03.2022
Réunion 020322 Présents: Malcolm, Chloé, Martin, Diana, Silvan, Luana, Noé Traktanda: Clé des champs? Blue Paint In the buanderie part.2 About traktanda Dossier fondation, ready by friday Publication Click up online Wood Alvin’s room CLEF DES CHAMPS The season is going to start again soon The matrix mobile is going away soon, that is an…
Comité 22.02.2022
Réunion 220222 Présents: claire alvin malcolm Chloé silvan Noé Grégoire Martin Luana Traktanda: Parité (in two weeks, when diana is here) Commissions about Acquisition of the building have to make a list of tasks/deadlines and bring them to the committee next week so we can share them. Polibure/finance commission should topic “transparent finances” for next…
Comité 16.02.2022
Réunion 16 02 2022 Présents: Malcolm Noé Diana Silvan Viki Grégoire comiteams: politburo, photo, buranderie Money Issue Foyer talk Moneymeter Alleman Party 2022 Brief réu strambi Parité Care of material New timeslot for the réunion ___________________________ MATERIAL CARE several events recently: candle on the mixing desk, piano, etc… Raise awareness about taking care of the…
Comité 09.02.2022
Réu09032022 Mod. Diana scribe. Alvin Tractandum list -parité -tournus permanent -Alvin’s room -buranderie -les médiateurs volants SOUS-COMMISSION Fundraising: Le dossier avance, traduction à faire. Luana revoit la partie bâtiment. Malcolm a bientôt fini la partie technique. Graphiste pro (Dorian) va nous faire une offre pour le graphisme. Max propose sa manager pour le layout. (financé…
Comité 09.02.2022
Réunion 09 02 2022 Présents: Chloé Malcolm Silvan Martinha Claire Martin Noé Viki Alvin Diana Olivia Tracktanden AG: tracktanden AG, articles Logo To do next time: comiteams: politburo, photo, buranderie Money Issue Foyer talk Moneymeter Alleman Party 2022 _________________________________________________________________________ AG AG group meets this afternoon Meeting briefing etc on Saturday 12 at 10 am. To…