• Comité 02.02.2022

    2022 02 02 Statuten Update: Malcolm is against the change to consensus. we let the idea to put the consensus in the statuten go. iklos diana has the wish to come in middle or end of february. Her idea is to stay the whole month of march. we give the small room in viki+noé flat…

  • Comité 26.01.2022

    REU 26.01.22 (Alvin, Noé, Martinha, Martin) little participation Silvan, Diana, Vicky HEATING Courtins action, Awareness of the heating. Mazout already paid. Change ARTICLE Martinha presents her change of art. ART 9 no specific justes motives, change for discrimination and violence as a juste motive. “may” ART 14 Consensus explanation ART 14.1 All participants are equal,…

  • Comité 20.01.2022

    20.01.2022 réunion TRACTANDA : bring more if you want for tonight bigger deal section :  affectation foyer : discussion générale, il y a un flou (lieu de vie communautaire vs espace de résidence/création) ? retours négatifs de la part de résidents demande de martinha : chambre milieu foyer pour trois mois, round de 2 min…

  • Comité 27.12.2021

    CHARTE MEETING 27.12.21 (Present: Nyima, Malcolm, Claire, Silvan, Martinha, Noé, Alvin, Martin) Nyima: Talking about the elephant in the room (Malcolm’s comments on abandoning the project if he doesn’t agree with the purpose putting in danger the continuation of the project) Round of reactions: Claire; hoping that the objectives match everyone. Make people trust that…

  • Comité 22.12.2021

    STATUTEN DISCUSSION 22.12.21 (Present: Martinha, Silvan, Claire, Malcolm, Martin, Alvin, Noé, Victoria and Nyima) First Reactions Martinha: Clear Vision between two groups, the division between permanent and temporary is too binary, lacking more nuances. Part one of the dossier, focus on environmental crisis, lacking social/humanity awareness crisis. Philosophy, beautiful written, what actually is connecting to?…

  • Comité 16.12.2021

    PV réu du jeudi 16.12.21 Martinha est modératrice Malcolm rédige le PV Présents Martinha, Silvan, Alvin, Claire, Malcolm, Maya, Tao (et Yoshi) Martinha choisit les points qui sont traités parmi l’ordre du jour Date pour l’Assemblée Générale Est proposée la date du Samedi 12 février en journée, sous réserve que tous les membres du comité…

  • Comité 09.12.2021

    9.12.21 Claire : Modération Tractandum Secondaire : -Homo hibernatus -General assembly -2nd meal a week -Shuffle prt II Framing of the Big discution 3 distinct discussions: –   1)what am I bringing to the project? Why did I come here? individual declaration // stating things –   2)Reboot of the vision –   3)Concrete action…

  • Comité 6.12.2021

     6 décembre 2021 vicky, malcolm, noe, martin, alvin, claire mediation : malcolm notes : claire (apologies if incomplete, i didn’t formally realise i was taking the job and put notes down for myself mostly). TD means to do EXTRAORDINARY PIANO MEETING : VICKY NEEDS TO WORK vicky wants to put a strong focus on piano…

  • Comité 02.12.2021

    Sitzung 2 December Mediator: Noe Writing Person: Martinha Traktanden: The Fine – Chadi Mega Feeling Round Dossier Barbook / Kitchenet Isolation Corona General Assembly The Fine There’s a Parking Fine in Chadi’s car from when Charly went to do the récup. We’ll pay it with the Maison Matrise’s account and everyone can / should put…

  • Comité 25.11.2021

    Réunion 25 novembre 2021 Présent: Chloé Vicky Claire Noé Silvan Martinha Alvin Malcolm TO SERVICE OR OT TO SERVICE:  1. Informations and understanding of the project centralized information —> board and booklet decentralized informations —> notes on every object that needs, etc… Video —> fake arrival of residencies? Meeting the people on the spot —>…