Main Goals
Firstly, la Maison-Matrice stands as a link between people and art, an (inter and intra) collective and protected space to create art in a broad sense. It is made possible by most, for the benefit of most.
Secondly, it offers many facilities and objects for sharing such as an audio studio, instruments, etc. However note that la Maison-Matrice does not provide services in the commercial sense.
In contrast to a commercial client-provider relationship, every resident at la Maison-Matrice is regarded as a co-designer of the project, an idea built upon the concept of free contribution/gift economy practice that supports the project as a whole in the form of financial gifts, gifts in kind and volunteering work.
Everyone is left free to choose between all forms of contribution with the exception of business, marketing and advertising monetary circulation is brought down to a minimum, ideally non- existent.
Sharing, donations & self-management
La Maison-Matrice is a shared work tool, developed and managed in a collective and autonomous way, that is to say it is a project carried out with the help of energy given freely, by as many as possible, for the benefit of the most people possible.
La Maison-Matrice operates with the concept of free gift economy and relies exclusively on gifts (financial, in kind & volunteering work) to fulfil its goals. It does not rely on public subsidies, nor services exchanged in return for payment.
Like everything else in this world, la Maison-Matrice is in constant evolution and has no predefined or ever fully reached, lasting perfection. It is everyone’s job to develop a suitable management culture for the day-to-day business of the project that is collective, inclusive and integrative and aimed at looking after the Maison-Matrice, its facilities and the people who interact with it.
Residencies : SLOW LIFE
An essential commodity for all of us in life is time. One needs to take or give time during one’s residency at the Maison-Matrice to get to know the place and the people currently in the house, but also to come in touch with the deeper aspects of the project and to help keep it a friendly, neat, tidy & functional place for all : sharing a meal with all some time during one’s stay, cleaning properly at the end, tidying up regularly during the residency, saying hello & goodbye to all, making sure to find out how things are supposed to be done etc.
Otherwise, the residencies can overburden the people who take charge of the MM. If they give up because they are overloaded, no more MM (rings a bell ? sounds like nature). Be focused on your work, but don’t be naïve : open up to the reality that the house is the result of a free gift in the first place. You just might find this inspires you to contribute as best you can for people to enjoy it after you.
A visit is suggested beforehand, for orientation, technical/practical questions and to become familiar with this exceptional and singular place.
Involvement / Free will
One core value of the Maison-Matrice is to respect the reality that everyone is free. Therefore one is free both to enjoy and to give to the Maison-Matrice. Involvement in the collective effort that underlies the Maison-Matrice is often proportional to the time spent at the house or in contact with it through its Telegram workgroups for example. Naturally, the longer one stays in touch with the house the more one understands about how it works and gets/finds more opportunities to get involved. Participation brings satisfaction, challenges that make sense, and know-how in many fields.
No” Touch and Go” concerts and performances
La Maison-Matrice is not a performance venue ; no programming in the usual sense of the word is conceived here and it is not possible to organise a concert there as part of a tour for example.
Discrimination and toxic behaviours
No behaviour that actively and deliberately opposes the aims of the association will be tolerated at the MM. In particular, all violent or discriminatory behaviour may lead to immediate exclusion from the premises. We also care to stick to basic peace-securing behaviours such as no physical or psychological aggression, no stealing, no lying.
Disabled access
Currently the upper floors of the building are not adapted for disabled access. The MM is proactive on the issue of inclusiveness and wants to make the building accessible to all. Anyone concerned is invited to contact the MM committee to put in place suitable solutions.
If you see a job to be done, it’s probably yours!
Maybe others simply don’t see it. Maybe they do, but they lack the energy or the skill. Act on your impulse ! Take responsibility, ask for help if needed, get it done! Do see below for reasonable warning against involuntarily clumsy actions.
Spontaneous action initiatives in the Matrix House
If someone has an idea to undertake something in the house, it is expected that she acts with proper judgement and thinks about the consequences of this action before taking it. This concerns both the process of the action and its final result : course of the action, durability of the effects, impact on people, impact on other functionalities or impact on the premises. In case of doubt, a quick check with one of the Committee members is a very sensible idea. If necessary, it will take a talk with several Committee members to come to a decision.
Belongings in collective space
Objects stored or left in a common space at the MM are considered a donation to the MM. If one leaves the MM, everything that is left behind in the MM becomes a belonging of the MM.
If someone wants to store personal objects in on of the collective spaces during a long-term residency : a paper discharge is signed between them and the Committee that specifies that the MM agrees to the storage of the object(s) in the collective space for a given duration (residency duration or other) and that the MM is not liable with regard to damage to the object(s).
Core values of the Maison-Matrice
Caring for oneself and for all others
Sharing resources, striving to reduce one’s needs
It is the prerogative of the association to facilitate the creation of a space dedicated to human exchange for the care of its fabric of people and to reassure about this.
Premises Collective/Private
All the surfaces and volumes of the Maison-Matrice are considered as shared collective spaces for all the residents/users, with the exception of 2 apartments on the 1st floor that are rented-out at market price.
Validation of Committee decisions
When a decision is taken in committee, a deadline of 48 hours is given for anyone to react and appeal against it or make a comment. After that, it is validated.
Considering popular association between drug consumption and the art scene, drug production, whether legal or illegal, both in collective and so-called private spaces, should not be accepted at the Maison-Matrice to protect its reputation as well as its ability to provide a safe space for all.
As for drug consumption on its premises, the Maison-Matrice abides by the relevant Swiss legislation and regulations.