Comité 23.03.2022
Réunion 20220323
présents: malcolm claire diana vicky martinha noé luana élisa
mod: malcolm PV: noé
starting sebasol?
foyer broken kitchen stoves
Food sovereignty
Brainstorm Renovations
Fundraising Dosser
video social medias
room discussion
stove got broken because used of the big old pot for the spring party.
doesn’t seem so complicated to fix, but still need someone pro
The fuse/switch of the kitchen is broken. Need to unplug the stoves, but didnt find the cable.
Kitchen is fully fonctional with another stove (from the abri) and another fridge, so we don’t need to pay an expensive electrician to come super quickly.
find an electrician in the association
Malcolm will do the course. Cost an advance of around 2500.- (an advance on ordering material and etc…)
He pre subscribe for the course of April.
Proposes to pay the course with the money of the fundraising project. Malcolm engages himself to pay back this advance in case we dont buy the building and we need to refund the donors. → everybody agrees.
—> Malcom becomes our official sabasol person.
sebasol course + making of the panels will take time, probably over few months.
Malcolm organized a group of competent people that will be part of this first zoom, to evaluate and brainstorm the whole renovation project.
Pilou, Nicolas, Justine, Virgile, Sébastian Till, Ben, Antoine Humberset, Yannick Valloton.
→ make a plan and prepare a dossier for the bank.
→ if the bank is ok we can organise the logistic of the renovation.
Claire and Malcolm had a call with the guy dooing the design of the dossier. Wasn’t really in phase with the matrix house. 2nd call on friday.
Max petersen will translate the text in german.
looking at around 25 pages (photos included), without annexes.
took some shots during the party. Diana makes the montage tomorrow.
Martinha and Silvan came with foodcoop and will go away with it.
Next winter Martinha can get us in touch with the italian association, they can make us part of it. Contact should be made in october.
In Biel there is 3 magasins en vrac. One of them is called “Portion magique” or something like that. There are already other collectives in Biel working with this shop to buy bigger quantities. Not as cheap as foodcoop. Maison Matrix could enter in contact with this shop.
We could check with the “En vrac” shops in Moutier.
No direct buying from Sonnet of Bio Farm, because they only sell to resellers.
Zappatista coffee → closest connection is the Pijou. Maybe through them we can make bigger orders.
Malcolm proposes to check the solar ovens
we should do a special meeting to talk about the vacancy of the rooms.
→ people are not using the room enough → double life thing.
The place needs people to be here and then a lot of rooms are used by people that are not here very much.
Elisa proposes to translate other documents in langage inclusif when we need to.
solar oven (and pizza oven)
room discussions
foyer discussion